A Ministry of
Twin Lakes Church
Preschool for Ages 2 thru TK
Hours 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
3 Year Old
Full Day
Hours: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
10 Classroom Goals:
To educate the heart of the child to love God, others and self.
To provide an environment in which love can grow, develop, and mature.
To enable each child to develop his/her best qualities in order to reach their fullest potential.
To help the child appreciate beauty in nature and in our environment.
To maintain an explorative environment that will enable the child to learn by experience.
To develop a positive self-concept; understanding self as a unique and competent person.
To value and foster their natural curiosity.
To help the child learn and accept limits necessary for health, safety, and the welfare of others.
To provide an environment in which each child can refine the use of the five senses.
Having fun, while fostering close friendships.
3’S Developmental Curriculum Goals:
Emotional Development
To be able to comfortably separate from Parents/Primary Caregiver(s)
Handles Transitions
Gradually, handles disappointments without tantrums
Is developing a healthy sense of self-worth
Social Development​
Begins to learn the give and take of play
Begins to verbally express thoughts, feelings, ideas
Begins to understand others’ feelings and thoughts may be different from their own
Moves from parallel play to associative play and, eventually, into cooperative play
Large Motor Development
Can participate in physical activities such as: Climbing, running, hopping jumping, balance and walking (backwards, forwards, fast, slow)
Explores large motor materials: Bikes, swings, digging, hula-hoops, balls (catch, throw, kick), etc.
Small Motor Development
Strings beads, pegs into pegboards, lacing
Hammering, sorting and matching activities
Begins to hold scissors correctly and safely, and will begin to cut freehand and simple lines
Introduce letters / letter recognition
Introduce children to a wide range of literacy materials: books, children’s magazines, sequence cards, flannel stories, the Bible, Rhymes, fingerplays, and puppets
Knows first and last name
Begins to recognize some or all letters in their first name
Will provide ample opportunities to use a variety of writing materials: crayons, pens, pencils and stencils
Chalk and Chalkboards (both large and small)
Paintbrushes (large and small) and other painting tools
Zoo Phonic alphabet work sheets - 3 letters a month
Child attempts to write first name and can eventually write some or all of the letters in his/her first name.
Math program
Daily Manipulative activities such as: sorting, matching, classification, patterns
Blocks (sort, stack, build)
Counting to 10
Counting 5-10 objects
Some visual recognition of #’s 1-5
Colors and Shapes
Can name, match and sort primary colors
Name, match and sort 8+ shapes (heart, square, rectangle, triangle, circle, star, oval & diamond)
Will provide age appropriate hands on experiences weekly with a variety of science materials. This will be done on an individual basis as well as in group experiments and explorations.
Art time will provide an opportunity to explore a variety of art materials, textures, and experiences, as well as give each child a chance to develop and share their individual creativity. The process and not the finished product will be emphasized, and the teacher made projects will be kept to a minimum.
Daily art projects
Bible Time
We will follow monthly Bible theme through "The Children’s Bible." Using flannel boards, art, stories, memory verses, Bible songs, and Bible videos.
Since technology plays an increasingly important role in our everyday life, we familiarize each child with computers via fun activities. The interactive games promote concept learning and helps develop cognitive and fine motor skills.